Tournament Indicator - gets you more often in the money

Tournament Indicator is specifically designed for Texas Holdem online tournament play. The indicator provides you all the important information you need, like instant MZone calculation, player profiling, tilt factor monitoring, matchcard showdown and odds calculations You also have the possibility to make your personal settings and adjust the window size. A Video tutorial guide introduce you to Tournament Indicator.

From now on you don´t need to make incorrect decisions based on your thoughts, just follow Tournament Indicator. This is an easy way to maximize your winnings.

Does it sound great? Did I tell you that it is FREE?

Win Odds: Calculated based on your pocket cards, the community cards, and the number of players in the hand.

Pot Odds: Your pot odds will be presented in real time in a percentage format.

Your/Opponent hands at showdown: These numbers represent the probabilities of hitting a particular hand for you AND your opponents at showdown. For example, if it shows 20 on flush for you and 30 for your opponents, it means that you have a 20% probability of getting your flush, while your opponents collectively have a 30% chance of hitting a flush.

EV: Expected Value for your hole cards. Expected value is the average amount of big bets this hand will make or lose. So for example, AA from the small blind in a 3/6 game will make on average 2.71 times the big blind, or $16.20 per hand (2.71 * $6). 22 from the button (D or Dealer position) however, will make -0.12 EV, or -$0.72 in a 3/6 game (6 * -0.12).

Group: It's another way to describe your hole cards strength. It is based on David Sklansky´s 9 starting hands groups. By only playing poker hands that have profitable EV, you will certainly improve your Texas Hold'em game.

OUTs: OUTs refer to the unseen cards still left in the deck that will improve your hand after the Flop. By counting your outs, you can do a very rough, quick calculation to estimate your percent chance of improving your hand after the Flop, and hopefully having a winning hand. Tournament Indicator shows you the Total Outs and what the Outs are.

Position: Tournament Indicator shows your position after flop. 

The opponents stats is collected using the same information you receive while sitting at the poker table. Tournament Indicator does this by reading the log files supplied by the online poker rooms themselves. The major difference is that Tournament Indicator actually remembers the action and automatically recalls it for you. Top professionals have amazing card memory - so can you!

MZone: The ratio of your stack to the blinds and antes. Which means: 
(Table Stacks) / (BB + SB + Ante*Number of players)
This information is very helpful,  but it is also hard to calculate in real time. Tournament Indicator makes it possible to have such kind of information. 

(Voluntary Put Money In Pot): Percentage of games a player voluntarily puts Money in the Pot. Blinds do not count unless a player completes the small blind or calls a raise from either blind. It measures a player’s tightness/looseness, which helps indicate the range of hands that the player will see a flop with.

Pre-flop raise percentage.

AF (Aggression Factor): It measures a player's aggression/passivity, which represents the player's betting tendencies after the flop. The AF Tournament Indicator provides, is the combined AF totals of the flop, turn, and river.

WSD: To further categorize aggressive players, we use "Went to Showdown %" to measure whether a player is Solid or Overplay.

Went to Showdown and Won percentage.

The chips amount a player Won/Lost in last 10 (by default) hands.

(Hand) Streak:
The number of hands a player has Won or Lost in a row.

Player Profile Icons:
Tournament Indicator will assign a profiling icon to a player when it collects more than 8 (by default) hands of data for that player. 

Do you still want to base your poker games by guesses and thoughts?

Can you afford losing tournaments because you don´t have the right information needed for your decisions?

If your answer is NO, then download Tournament Indicator and try. You will not be disappointed. It is an easy way to fortune.